Babies-Toddler Vivian | 27 Mar 2010 08:37 am

Build A Book Of Memories

One of the greatest treasures that you can give to your baby boy or baby girl is a book of memories. This book can be given to them when they reach their twenty-fifth birthday, their quarter-century mark. It’s not that parents usually don’t have some mementos that they save, but often, some of your child’s smallest but important events can get left out.

This book of memories can obviously contain most of the normal mementos, for example, a copy of their birth certificate, their first foot imprint done by the hospital, their baptism certificate, their public school pictures, or high school pictures. Some of the things, though, that could help make this book of your child’s first twenty-five years more meaningful and treasured, and to also share with their children in the future, are some of the following:

1.first report card up to and including high-school graduation2.a piece of clothing that they wore during their first photo shoot3.ticket stubs to special events like their first concert, play, zoo, Disney World4.their first baby tooth5.their first crayon drawings6.the special mother’s day card they made at school7.if they were a story writer, you could include their first story or shoes, and9.a piece of hair from their first hair cut

The point to start your collection of twenty-five years of memories is right now, or as soon as possible so all those little, but important treasures are not lost over the years. There are so many items that you could include that would mark an important or memorable event that the above list is only the beginnings. I’m sure you can come up with an even better list.

While some of these mementos won’t be remembered by your child, there is something very special for and to them when you sit down and explain their significance to you as a parent, or describe why the event meant so much to them years earlier. All of these conversations, and there probably will be many, will serve to remind you of just how much you loved them then and now, and will also solidify in the mind of your child just how important they have always been to you because of your thoughtfulness in collecting, keeping, and making then a book of memories.

And, with all those pictures you surely have, it is so hard to pick and choose which ones to include. One suggestion is to categorize your pictures into themes, for example, birthdays, Christmas’, family trips, close friends, snow fun, or favorite toys. Then, take your selections and make a collage from them so you can include more pictures on each theme page.

Start your collection now and you will be able to give your child a book of memories that they’ll never forget.

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