Gardening Vivian | 11 Nov 2010 10:26 pm

California Gardening

Gardening is becoming very popular as one of America’s favorite hobbies. Like many other states in the US, there has been a significant rise in the number of people taking up this hobby in California as well. Several gardening clubs can be found in California that offer courses related to gardening. They also offer programs where a member can learn the theories and principles of landscape designing for different types of gardens. Whether someone is willing to have a backyard or a whole yard habitat, a perennial border, a rose garden, container landscape or herb garden, they can learn everything in these clubs. The knowledge and tips shared by experienced gardeners in these clubs can help anyone wanting to start gardening.

As far as California gardening is concerned, you can find a great deal of information on the Internet. There are several websites that offer useful tips and information on how you can set up a garden and what plans you should choose. If you want to practice conservation techniques in your garden then you can follow these tips:

昒se plants that can attract birds, butterflies and bees.

昒se compost yard clippings.

昒se plants that are drought tolerant or any California native so that water conservation could be done.

昒se mulch in order to control weed and soil moisture.

In order to create a beautiful garden you need to know how to propagate plants for your garden, choose the right kind of tree for a certain spot in the garden and how to ensure the maintenance and safety of the plants. Whether you have been gardening for years or you have acquired this hobby recently, you just need to have the right kind of knowledge and love for plants in order to create an outstanding garden.

When you plant shrubs make sure that they have no major pests and the growth rate is moderate or slow. Some of the best shrubs that can be planted in any California landscape are:

昍haphiolepis indica India Hawthorne

昇andina domestica Heavenly Bamboo

旵allistemon viminalis ‘Little John’ Little John Bottlebrush

旴uxus microphylla ‘Japonica’ Japanese Boxwood

昈smanthus heterophyllus Hollyleaf Osmanthus

昘ylosma congestum Shiny Xylosma

昅yrsine africana African Boxwood

昄igustrum japonicum ‘Texanum’ Waxleaf Privet

旵istus ladanifer Crimson-Spot Rockrose

昍osmarinus officinalis Rosemary

昄oropetalum Chinese Fringe Flower

旵arissa macrocarpa Natal Plum

旵rassula argentea Jade Plant

The month of January is for pruning roses, bare root plantings of roses, fruit trees, grapes and other shrubs. Apply dormant spray once the pruning is done. In January make sure that the tender plants like citrus are protected from frost. Provide winter fertilizers to the plants. In February you can prevent weeds and plant seeds and bulbs. March is the time for wildflowers, spring planting, fertilizing and protecting the plants from weed, insects and fungus.

California gardening could be fun if you do it the right way. If you feel that you don’t have enough information then read books on gardening or join any gardening club for a better learning experience. People who don’t have space for creating a garden can plant shrubs and flowers in containers and pots that can be placed on windows or the patio.

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