Gardening Vivian | 27 Mar 2010 12:29 am

Choosing this Seasons Tomato Seed

“I have never met a tomato I didn’t like” I would bet there area probably hundreds of people that would agree with me on that point. In fact there are probably as many people ready to agree as there are different varieties of tomatoes available to grow.

Visit your friendly garden shop and take a quick glance at their newly arrived seed packets. You will be pleasantly surprised to find all the varieties of tomatoes that are available on the market today. These varieties range from the heirloom tomatoes to the genetically engineered varieties. You have miniature tomatoes and you have the large beef eaters. There is a tomato for every persons taste. That fact alone is probably the most difficult decision you will have to make. Which variety do you want to grow this year?

Disease resistance is very important when you finally decide what variety of tomato to grow. Look closely at the information presented for the various varieties and you will notice that it contains the letters V, F, N, or T within the tomatoes description. The letter “V” means the seed is Verticillium Wilt resistant, the “F” means Fusarium Wilt resistant, “N” is the short symbol for Nematodes while “T” is typically used to indicate Tobacco Mosiac. Should you note any of these letters mentioned in the description it merely indicates that the particular variety is resistant to those diseases.

The growth habits of the particular plant are indicated by Indeterminate or determinate. Indeterminate indicates that the tomato plant has a tendency to spread while the designation of determinate reveals the plant remains within its limited confines. If the seed is marked as semi-determinate it means although the growing plants do not spread greatly they still require some added space.

To start your tomato seeds indoors sow them in either plug trays or flats. Be sure to read the manufacturers recommendations placed on the rear of the seed packet. They have certain planting depths and recommended spacing for the plants after you thin them.

There are special mixed soil combinations that are created spe4cifically for seed starting. You can readily pick up this seed starting soil at your local garden center. Do not even consider using neither regular potting soil nor the soil obtained from your garden. These soils are not sterilized and can cause what is commonly referred to as damping off in the initial stages of the plants growth.

Upon sowing the tomato seed in trays they should be placed in a 70 to 75 degree location. Should your seed producing area be too cool there are special heating pads that can be obtained. Germination should take place within 7 to 14 days of planting the seed.

After the first true leaves begin to develop on the small plants you should transplant them to a larger container. In approximately 6 to 8 weeks your tomato plants should be ready for transplanting within your garden area..

Agricultural research has introduced dozens of new tomato varieties each season several varieties that are hardy and very disease resistant include the several hybrids such as Big Beef or possibly Hybrid Celebrity. Don’t hesitate to try a new variety as you may be pleasantly surprised at both the results of growing the tomato as well as the taste.

Copyright @2008 Joseph Parish

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