Parties Vivian | 24 Feb 2010 09:01 am

Events on My Birthday

Have you ever thought, I wonder what events on my birthday have made history? What great events happened on the day you were born, or the same date years or event centuries apart? Well, we collected some information that we thought may be able to help:

My Birthday:

  • 10th January: Is your birthday on 10th January? On January 10th 1956 Elvis recorded “Heartbreak Hotel”.
  • 25th February: On 25th February 1862 paper currency was first introduced to America by the President at the time, Abraham Lincoln.
  • 2nd May: If your birthday is on 2nd May then it falls on the same day as the release of the first science fiction film in 1902. Believe it or not, the name of this science fiction film was “A Trip to the Moon”.
  • July 17th: On July 17th 1995 Forbes Magazine announced that Bill Gates was the richest man in the world with $12.9 billion.
  • September 10th: If your birthday falls on September 10th then you are celebrating the anniversary of the opening of the first theatre in Hawaii.
  • December 25h: Apart from Christmas, another great event that falls on your birthday if it’s the 25th December is the first sighting of Hayley’s comment on its return by Johann Georg Palitzsch.

Adult Birthday Party Ideas and Themes

Talking of events on my birthday, what a great theme for an adult birthday party! Have a “Heartbreak Hotel” birthday party for the 10th January and play Elvis music, and then have foods and activities that take you back to the 1950′s or 1960′s.

Otherwise, have a general “events on my birthday” theme where you have pictures and displays of different events that took place on your birthday that people can go and look at while enjoying cheese and wine and listening to classical music.

Get guests to find out what great events took place on their birthdays and discuss this. PLay a “Guess what happened” game and give guests clues to what events happened on your birthday and have them guess what these events were.

You may also want to specialize the “Events on my birthday” theme so that it focusses on sporting events, musical events, theatrical or literature events, etc. Get guests to bring stories related to these particular themes to share.

Publish a web page for your party

Once you have all your ducks in a row for your “Events on my birthday” party then create an exciting, “eventful” web page that will both tell people about these events and invite them to join you for a great party and trip down memory lane.

Create a web page that reflects these events with photos, video clips, audio clips and whatever else you like. Then send guests an email with a link in it to the invitation page where they can respond, see who else is coming and start interacting.

Your guests will love it! They will find your page unique and exciting and it gives them the opportunity to start networking with others who are coming to the party.

Creating this great web page is free and all you need to do is go and sign up for an account at Events Listed and start creating your web page and inviting people. Don’t waste any more time, do it today!

Tamara Ford is the wife of an Internet Entrepreneur who specializes in Event Launch Marketing applying social media and internet marketing strategies. “I initially started writing to help my husband and have since become hooked”. If the content of this article interests you, you may be interested in reading another article I have submitted titled Birthday Planning or you may want to visit our site to learn more about our free web publishing tool for Children’s Birthday Parties.

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