Holidays Vivian | 28 Feb 2010 11:08 pm

Fun, Cheap Christmas Ideas

The holidays have a way of sneaking up on us and creating a need for cheap Christmas ideas. No matter how sincere we were in our resolutions to be better prepared the next time December rolls around, there are always unexpected expenses. Perhaps the lights on our tree finally go dark or the number of Christmas cards to mail has multiplied beyond our initial expectations. Decorations, gifts and ornaments can be expensive and put pressure on an already stretched budget leaving us tense and wondering how will we ever make the holidays special for our children and have money to buy gifts.

While searching for tips on inexpensive Christmas decorations and gifts, I found more than a few reminders to plan ahead, budget and shop the sales. These are all good recommendations, but for those of us who find it a little late in the year to successfully put those wheels in motion I have a few suggestions that have worked well for me in the past that I will share with you.


When it comes down to it, nothing says Christmas like holly boughs covered in gleaming red berries. Artificial greenery may be more convenient, but natural is attractive and free. When it comes to cheap Christmas ideas this one may be the prettiest as well as the most entertaining. Load up the kids or a car full of friends and head for the woods to get free material for wreaths, garland and arrangements. Be sure to take a saw and rope along in case you find the perfect evergreen tree on your trip. They will also come in handy when cutting branches and tough vines.

Once you have your beautiful leaves and berries, check out a craft book at the local library and learn how to tie a professional looking bow. Wide, red, gold or silver ribbon is inexpensive and will in many cases, successfully stand alone. A single bow on the front door, the mail box or the mantelpiece has an elegant look and is so easy to make. Add a little greenery and your guests will believe that you had your arrangements designed by a professional florist.

Decorating the Christmas tree can be managed without spending a lot of cash by doing it the old fashioned way. Crochet snowflakes while watching holiday movies with your kids using free patterns that are readily available online or found in old copies of craft magazines. Paper chains will share the fun with the kids and start an enjoyable family tradition. Have a popcorn stringing and chain making party to make the work go faster building memories all the while.

There are times when very cheap Christmas ideas are a necessity but there is no need for your home to be bare or for your family to feel deprived. The key to happy memorable holidays is to approach frugal holiday decor with an attitude of adventure and fun. Enjoy and appreciate what you have rather than to focus on what may be missing.

Jan Bay’s love of interior decorating and child rearing motivated the building of her site, UNIQUE BABY GEAR IDEAS which features numerous articles on nursery design, reviews of modern baby gear and the creation of modern nurseries for babies.

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