Holidays Vivian | 28 Dec 2010 04:26 pm

Holidays Without Stress

During November reality sets in and begins, what most of us reference as, the “stress of the holidays”. Being organized will lift that stress, so decide now to make November your “GIT-R-DONE” month. During November, make it your goal to prepare your lists, make your holiday celebration plans, decide which organization you will volunteer to help those in need, and finally, come up with a plan to make it all happen.

If you focus on your plan and tasks, the reality is that by the first week of December you will be finished…you can enjoy yourself, family and friends, volunteer to help those in need and attend holiday celebrations stress-free knowing your holiday is well organized. Imagine, you are finished with all your holiday tasks! Take 5 minutes now and get started! Use a notebook that is small enough to carry with you and keep all your lists and To-dos for the holidays in this notebook. Check each item off as you go. Paperclip your grocery or department store coupons in this notebook, this will ensure you have them when you need them. Each page should be a list of its own.

For example, on page 1 write the names of the people or organizations to buy for and leave space between each name to write in the gift item. Continue with your next list such as: Thanksgiving menu, Christmas menu, gift items to buy, grocery items to buy, travel plans, holiday cards, etc. Remember, make a commitment to “GIT-R-DONE”, use your list and do something every day this month and you WILL have December free to enjoy the Season!

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