Gardening Vivian | 08 Oct 2010 04:39 am

Planting a Food Garden – How to Choose What to Grow

If you’re planning to plant your own vegetables at home, it would be prudent to ask yourself these questions first before you decide to grow your own produce:

1. Will it be worth all the effort?

You will need to devote time to taking care of a vegetable patch – taking care of the seedlings, putting the right fertilizer, regular and proper watering, checking for diseases, and so on. Are you willing to do all these things? If you’re going to quit halfway, it’ll save you time, money and effort if you don’t begin at all.

2. Will it grow in my area?

Some vegetables need specific climates or types of weather for it to thrive. There may be a particular vegetable you want to grow, but if your place isn’t suited for it, it will never work out. Either choose another type of vegetable or abandon the idea altogether.

3. What am I planting for?

Are you planning to just enjoy the benefits of home-grown produce, or are you planning to become a vegetable seller? Defining your purpose will in turn define how much space and seeds you will need.

4. How much space do I have?

You may want to become the local neighbourhood produce man, but you will need to put an end to your dreams if all you have is a spare 2 by 4 meter plot in the backyard.

But if you’re set on growing your own vegetables, here’s the best way to do it:

  • Plant your vegetables based on their season. This way, your land won’t be idle at any time of the year, and you’ll get to enjoy different kinds of produce.
  • Research on what kind of vegetables grow in a particular season in your local climate and make a plan so that when a crop is expected to mature, you already have something prepared to take its place.
  • Choose plants that mature faster for a maximized yield.
  • If you’re not planning on selling them, plant only the kinds of vegetables you’re willing to eat.

Growing vegetables can be a very fulfilling hobby. You get fresh produce you planted yourself, guaranteed free from commercial pesticides. Stick to the basics from this guide, and with a little common sense and a little bit of research as well, you’ll be tasting the fruits of your own labor in no time. Happy planting!

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