Parenting Vivian | 21 Mar 2010 11:58 am

Success in School Begins at Home – Parent-Child Partnership Gets High Grades

Too many children struggle in school despite their teachers’ skilled and well-intentioned efforts. Due to unique characteristics of each student, the one-size-fits-all method of public education doesn’t work very well for each-and-every student.

What’s a parent to do? Our children’s education actually starts with early family experiences, graduates to school experiences and eventually continues through-out their lives. Early-on, parents are active “partners” in their children’s education, attending to the unique skills, strengths and needs of their children and guiding early-childhood experience.

When we send them off to school, the “partner” relationship remains an important component of their school success. How you, your children and their teachers create their school experience will define their future. To make sure your child learns what he needs to know, gets the best grades she can achieve and maintains a positive and courageous attitude about education, the following notions might be helpful to consider:

  1. Not all kids learn in the same way. As unique individuals we each categorize and “file” new information differently. Some kids need to experience hands-on learning; some learn best when they hear new information; some need lots of visual stimulation. Discovering your child’s learning-style preference can help you to more successfully partner with his teachers at school, assist with homework more effectively and better prepare him to get better grades.
  2. A discouraged child cannot absorb new information. Students who believe they can’t do well in school won’t. Changing your child’s perception and beliefs about her abilities can make a dramatic difference in her willingness to try. We all need a cheerleader sometimes to keep our optimism and enthusiasm up. Rather than focusing upon wrong answers or poor performance, demonstrating your pride and enthusiasm at her little successes is more likely to result in bigger successes. A well-placed and genuine “I-knew-you-could-do-it” goes a long way.
  3. Attitudes about learning are developed early. When you encourage exploration and curiosity, your child is more likely to enjoy the learning process and cultivate a positive attitude about learning. And, when you share your enthusiasm about your own successful learning, your children will absorb the positive value you place on the education process. Then when the goin’ gets rough at school, your child will approach education as a challenge rather than with dread.

Experiences of Success or Failure in school will dictate how your child will approach education, learning and ultimately future career options and choices. You’re invited to visit for more information and tools you can use to give your child the best opportunity to achieve success and satisfaction at school.

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