Parenting Vivian | 06 Jan 2011 11:26 pm

Supportive Sports Parents

It is not very rare that parents start to act like children when it comes to their child participating in a sport, and parents have been seen performing embarrassing acts such as booing an umpire or yelling at a child for missing the winning goal.

Not only can this embarrass a child, but it can also leave the child with emotional distress that they do not know how to deal with. No matter what the parent does, the child can loose confidence when they do not have supportive sports parents up in the stands cheering them on. Behavior like this will leave a child with negative feelings with nobody to talk to about them.

Being supportive sports parents is very important in a child抯 development, because they need to learn that it is okay to fail occasionally. Children can start playing sports at an early age, and it is important that they learn the correct behavior for their parents and themselves early on.

Children soak up everything that their parents give to them, so seeing a parent yelling in the stands is something a child will consider normal behavior if their parents are doing it as well. Supportive sports parents must teach their children how to act in various situations, and the most effective way to teach is to act as an example.

There are many ways that parents can be supportive when their child participates in sports, as long as they are willing to be a role model to their child. It is always a good feeling when your child wins the game for the team or scores the most goals, but these types of behaviors should not be expected from a child. Children should always be encouraged to do their best, but never push themselves or feel overwhelmed.

As a supportive sports parent, you need to always praise your child no matter how well they performed. Although some constructive criticism is always helpful, supportive sports parents should never discourage their child or make them feel like a disappointment.

Although a simple argument between a parent and a coach may seem harmless, this is not always the case. Some sport altercations have even leaded to death, which would cause much more emotional stress on those involved.

A child could loose their father to a jail sentence or maybe even death, just because of a little league baseball game that went wrong. It can be pretty easy to be upset at a child not being the star of the team, but it is much harder to suffer the consequences. By acting as a role model and encouraging your child, you can be a supportive sport parent to your child.

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