Pregnancy Vivian | 25 Sep 2010 02:13 pm
The 4 Easiest Ways to Track Ovulation
Trying to conceive is not always as easy as we would hope. Inaccurate or lack of ovulation tracking, for many couples, can be to blame. For some lucky women they get pregnant immediately without having to track their fertility signs, but others aren’t as lucky. For those not-so-lucky women, there are many different ways to know when and if ovulation is occurring, and they are as follows:
1.) Basal Body Temperature (BBT)- Taking your temperature everyday and at roughly the same time of day can give you a good indication of when the “egg will drop”. It is best to make a chart at the beginning of your cycle and to get a basal thermometer. Once you do this, you will want to take your temperature preferably once a day in the morning and record it exactly. Note: Your BBT rises after the release of the egg and usually 0.4 degrees F (or 0.2 C).
2.) Ovulation Pains- Many women will experience a twinge or slight cramp on one side (ovary) during this time. It typically lasts several days and is slightly painful. (If it is very painful, it may be a cyst, so you will want to contact your doctor if this occurs.)
3.) Cervical Mucous- A woman’s cervical mucous will change in consistency and amount around the time of ovulation. After a period the mucous will be dry or sticky. Then it turns creamy as her peak fertility day draws near. Once the cervical mucous becomes slippery and stretchy (like eggwhites) you can be sure the “eggie” is only a day or two away.
4) Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPK)- Unlike pregnancy tests that test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine, OPK’s test for the LH (luteinizing hormone) surge that happens immediately before ovulation. Since the fertilization must occur within 24 hours of the eggs release, using a predictor kit can really be beneficial.
Although we are all taught in health class that women have a 28 day cycle and release an egg on cycle day 14, it is definitely not the case for every woman. The average cycle is anywhere between 24 and 35 days, which would mean that the average cycle day that women are most fertile would be between cycle day 10 and 21 (ovulation occurs 14 days before the menses or period begins).
And all of this being said, sometimes even after testing and tracking and examining conception still doesn’t occur. In this case a product known as Pre-Seed is highly recommended. This is the first and only “sperm friendly” intimate moisturizer on the market. It works by replenishing natural moisture while providing the perfect environment for sperm (the pH and osmolarity is the same as semen). Since no other lubricant on the market offers a conception friendly environment, many, many couples have found great success by including Pre-Seed in their trying to conceive regiment.
So track your fertility signs, use your OPK’s and add Pre-Seed to your “baby dance” and you are sure to get great results (a.k.a. PREGNANT!).