Crafts-Hobbies Vivian | 07 May 2011 12:13 am

There Isn’t a More Perfect Gift Than a Handmade Candle

A handmade candle you made at home makes the perfect gift that never gets old. Even those homemade candles in the old-fashioned glass canning jar make beautiful gifts. You can easily make these container candles simply by using old canning jars you have around the house.

But even if you don’t have any canning jars laying around they are easy enough to find at flea markets or garage sales. Many dollar stores and other outlet type stores will have an abundant supply. And of course, all grocery stores and craft stores have these types of jars in supply though you will pay a bit more for them at a craft store.

To make your candle gifts are simple using these jars as the containers. You can use paraffin, soy and even gel wax to make container candles. You can even add any type of fragrance scent or essential oils to make your candles smell great. There are all types of fragrances available for any time of the year or location in the world. Choose from sea shore to fresh laundry for fresh scents. Standard fruit and spice scents are also available.

If you use gel wax then you can even add decorations right into the wax as your pour the candle. These decorations will be suspended in the gel wax and if you don’t color the wax with too dark a color these decorations will be easily seen through the glass container.

Many crafters who use canning jars to make their candles like to decorate the outside of the glass jar. You can even decorate the lid of the candle jar. Some people have even wrapped the lid in ribbon or fabric to give it a unique and special look. Whether you leave the glass jar plain or decorated your handmade candle will be a gift that is cherished for years to come.

Candles are versatile gifts that tell the person you give it to that they are special to you. All types of candles be they pillar candles made from paraffin wax to soy and gel wax in decorated glass jars, candles are every bit as appropriate as a birthday present as they are as a gift during a holiday. The top holiday for candles as gifts still remains Christmas. In fact, candle making kits as Christmas gifts are perfect for young and old. You see, candles make the perfect gift to give and to receive.

Though Christmas is the top candle gift giving holiday don’t forget to give candles as gifts on Mother’s Day (to say you love Mom), the Fourth of July (to light those backyard parties), Birthdays (Grandma’s love them), New Year’s Day (from your candle making kit you got for Christmas), Easter (the perfect basket gift) or even Valentine’s Day (guys, women love candles).

Candles do make great gifts and it doesn’t even have to be a holiday or their birthday to give one

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