Monthly Archive for "March 2010"

Parenting Vivian | 31 Mar 2010

Are You Over-Talking And Under-Listening?

Do you ever wonder why your children do not listen to you? One of the key reasons is that we all talk too much. Now I am not saying to stop talking to your children but rather to be intentional when we decide to talk with them. This is especially true during a power struggle, a time that parents feel particularly vulnerable. When we are challenged by our children, it is typical for us to keep talking and talking — what I have termed here as over-talking.

When we are over-talking, we are not listening to our child. This under-listening means we are out of touch with them and we are not making progress toward resolving the conflict at hand.

The following exercise is intended to give you an indication of the extent to which you might be engaging in this pattern. This is in no way meant to be critical but instead to help you figure out if this is a problem to be worked on. All of us tend to do this with our children. In fact, some of the time it is not an unhealthy pattern. However, if an unhealthy pattern of over-talking has developed, you may want to seek help to make things better.

If you check more than four of the reasons below, please consider seeing a family therapist to give you support and prevent the development of unhealthy patterns with your children. Remember, you deserve to feel better and have a loving relationship with your child.

Each of the following examples is followed by how it may backfire in a conflict with your child. The statements are not all good or all bad. While you may have valid reasons for excessive talking, if it backfires the over-talking may not be worth the consequences.


__________ I am teaching my child a lesson. (If they are not listening, they are not learning — they over-talk too.)

__________ I need to make my point. (Children can debate, often better, and they frequently enjoy arguing.)

__________ I don’t feel my child hears me so I repeat it. (They hear — they are just thinking about how to respond defensively.)

__________ My parents did not explain to me. (Explaining one time is helpful, more than once fuels the fire.)

__________ I want my child to understand me. (If they are arguing, they are not listening and will not understand.)

__________ I over-talk when I am anxious. (This won’t help your anxiety. Less talk will help you calm down and get control.)

__________ I feel on the spot and defensive. (You are in a power struggle and your child will usually win in some way.)

__________ I get angry and try to over-talk. (Your child is also angry and it will only get worse. Stop talking.)

__________ I feel they will out talk me if I don’t keep talking. (Children know how to out talk you. More talking escalates their talking.)

Written by Carol Smith, Parent, Teacher and Friend — You are invited to check out the variety of helpful articles intended to help you develop balance in your family. Come join my internet family at:

Babies-Toddler Vivian | 31 Mar 2010

Shopping Cart Baby Protection – Keeping Baby Safe

Do you use a shopping cart cover when you take your little one to the store with you? You should. Supermarket cart baby protection is a serious matter and I’m going to explain why.

Just this morning I stopped at the supermarket to pick up some milk and eggs, and while I was there I saw an adorable little girl shopping with her mom. The girl was only about a year old so she was sitting in the shopping cart while her mother stood nearby comparing prices.

What bothered me was that the girl was trying to chew on the handle bar of the shopping cart. Does your little one ever try to do that?

Just think about the thousands of hands that have touched that shopping cart your precious baby is chewing on. How many of those people had colds or viruses? How many didn’t wash their hands after using the restroom? How many cut their hands and dripped blood onto the handle? And when was the last time the supermarket scrubbed their shopping carts clean? The answer is never.

Do you really want your baby touching that germ-covered cart and putting her hands in her mouth. That’s just disgusting. Who knows what kind of dirt and germs your baby could be exposed to? The thought is enough to turn your stomach.

All you need to keep your baby safe at the supermarket is an inexpensive shopping cart cover. They come in different colors and styles but they all work the same way. Just keep the cover in your car and use it every time you go to the store. It fits snugly over any cart and protects your baby from harmful germs.

Megan Fitzpatrick writes articles on many topics. Check out her new site on cheap baby monitors where you can read more about the dual baby monitors and others.

Gardening Vivian | 31 Mar 2010

Seedlings – A Great Way to Start Your Garden in Spring

Seedlings are a great way to start your garden inside, so you are ready for the sometimes all too short growing season. The key to planting seeds is to wait until six to eight weeks before the last frost is expected in your area. This way, when the seedlings are ready to go outside, the weather should be warm enough. Since this is not easy to predict with wheatear forecasts these days. Take it as an indication.

Things to remember about seedlings

A few things that you should remember when you are tending seedlings, is that they are quite delicate, and they require special care.

A seedling is a young plant that is not at all the strong, survivor it will once become. Usually it requires a more intense light then is available at the time you start to grow. The natural sunlight is best; but often days are still too short and the sun to weak. Because you start the seed inside, the plant thinks it’s warm enough but soon discovers the lack of light. This will restrict its growth and health. This presents a problem your delicate seedling needs the best condition possible when you transplant it to your garden.

The best solution to overcome this problem is artificial light. And I must admit that I had some difficulties to overcome my resistance of investing in a special growth lamp. Because of the price tag garden centers put on these items I settled for aquarium lighting. They give you almost the same mixture of light frequencies as natural sunlight. Are fairly cheap and don’t give of a great amount of heat.

Seedlings typically thrive with cycles of 12 hours of light, and 12 hours of dark in a 24 hour period. Depending on the plant you grow. When you follow my aquarium advise the light comes from above, otherwise turn them every now and then. Your seedlings will tend to grow toward the light.

Keep your seedlings moist, not wet

When you are caring for your seedlings, keep them moist, but not wet. Seedlings are very susceptible to mold and should not be kept to wet. Yes in nature spring usually comes with some rain, but don’t turn your container into a

This might seem as a lot of trouble that hardly pays off. And you are right. But if you are not really trying to live of the land there is no logic in gardening, or growing vegetables, fruits, flowers or whatever yourself. The process of growing from seed, the satisfaction seeing a seed grow from a little almost invisible seed to a full-grown plant is the payoff. For me it is anyway.At our site you can find more information about transplanting different species or how to keep them inside and tend a nice in-house container garden.

I’ve come across problem cases where it looked as if the owner with all his or her good intentions was trying to grow underwater plants instead of normal annuals. Also don’t start to fertilize unless you are growing hydroponic. The seed itself and the soil you planted in supplies all the young plant needs. Fertilizers can even kill your plants when overused. They cause an inability of the plant to suck water from the soil. No water, no photosynthesis, no sugars to grow new cells or maintain existing ones. So as with mammals overfeeding can kill.

Hans is author of and two topics he is passionate about

Parenting Vivian | 30 Mar 2010

Dads, Sons, and Books – Secrets to Making Reading Time Fun

When you conjure up images of those great father/son bonding moments, you think of baseballs being thrown back and forth, big fish being dragged into the boat via grandpa’s lure, and the old standard car-driving-when-feet-can’t-reach-the-pedals, immortalized by every Americana artist who ever had a plate commissioned by the Franklin Mint.

What you won’t find on that list of precious memories is the first time dad pulled out his edition of The Norton Anthology of Literature and started reading his boy the first stanzas of Paradise Lost or a poem by Robert Frost. The “father/son reading moment” is not a part of our shared family rituals and therefore is often bypassed in the name of more physical pursuits.

But what does this mean to young boys as they grow up and become adults?

It is a known fact that, sadly, boys lag well behind girls when it comes to reading skills. Couple that fact with a society that does not do a good enough job of encouraging its boys to read and you’ve got a recipe for educational disaster. Indeed, as a result, we see lower grades in English for boys, and, frighteningly, a much higher high school dropout rate.

But there is some good news. Leading education experts and psychologists agree that a boy who has a male “reading role model” will stand a much better chance in developing a life-long love of reading.

It’s a simple theory, really: if a young boy sees his father or older brothers reading regularly, he’ll be that much more likely to pick it up himself. There’s no substitute for a home environment where the child’s role models are seen as avid readers.

Of course, the most obvious responsibility of fathers-as-reading-role-models is to read to their sons every chance they get. Study after study illustrates the positive correlation between reading comprehension and being read to. With the high-risk situation that faces young boys throughout the early portion of their school lives, this becomes even more crucial.

Reading to your son is the single most effective way to build a love of books. Set aside time to read with him. Make it a regular occurrence at a given time every day. It’s good for you and even better for him! Boys respond better to books when they are read aloud.

When a father settles in to read with his son, the key to success is making the experience FUN for EVERYONE. Here are some sure-fire tips to making your reading time together his favorite part of the day!

Act out the stories: Boys acquire knowledge more effectively when stimulated by interaction and movement. So remember, the play’s the thing to capture the attention of your little king.

Go beyond the page: Why should the story stop with what’s actually written in the book? Create additional scenarios where you and your son take on the lead roles. Craft a little user-generated fiction and you’ll see one book last for years!

Sing a song or two: So what if you can’t carry a tune with a handle? To your child you’re Pavarotti and Prince all rolled up into one. Sing out the words when the situation calls for it. It will increase enjoyment and retention!

Make a contest out of it: Boys love competitive endeavors, so keep track of how many books you read each month, then come up with a father/son activity (go out to dinner at his favorite restaurant, see a movie together with popcorn and treats, etc.) as a reward for beating that number the next month.

So you’ve dedicated yourself to reading more with your son…now comes the fun part: choosing the coolest books that will have the child “literally” begging for more!

While many books end up being a natural fit for men who want to read to their sons, some authors are taking a more proactive approach – developing content specifically geared towards the father-son-reading relationship. Try googling “father and son read aloud books” to see what’s out there.

Look for subject matter that no young boy can resist: tales of high adventure, nail-biting suspense and rollicking humor. Find books with great illustrations to really engage your child. Research has shown that books with realistic “photo illustrations” are very effective in capturing a boy’s imagination time and time again. “Pop-up” books are great fun for pre-readers.

Developing a life-long love of reading in a young boy is an achievement made up of many moving parts. Check out these additional ideas for inspiration:

Be that role model: Next chance you get, turn off the TV and sit down with a book you’ve been meaning to read yourself. Your son will see the behavior and, because he looks up to you, emulate it.

Take him to the BOOKSTORE instead of the toy store: If you’re going to pick up a special treat for your son, why not make it at the local bookstore instead of Toys ‘R’ Us or Best Buy? Wander back to the children’s section and set him free to browse, with you by his side, of course! If he has special interests like dinosaurs, pirates, knights, trucks, tractors, etc., ask the manager of that department to point out specific areas where those books can be found. And if there’s a coffee shop attached, grab a book or two, some hot chocolate and a pastry and spend a half an hour just soaking in the experience. These are precious times that memories are made of – for both of you!

Make a spectacle of yourself: As mentioned earlier, the more you sing, act, play and create, the more likely your son will be to “participate” and get excited about coming back for more. Heck, it’s in the privacy of your own home – so go nuts and have some fun!

Get involved at his school or public library: Whether it’s coming in to read to the kids or just helping to organize the stacks, your son will see your level of commitment to the library and say, “Hmm. This place MUST be cool if Dad is getting involved here!” And don’t forget to ask Junior for his “help.” It will make him feel important to know he’s doing “big guy” stuff.

Your mission is to provide your son with a future filled with limitless possibilities. And for that, you’re going to want to make reading fun for him. Commit to read to him every day, make the books come to life with movement and interactive storytelling, and, of course, choose books that really engage your child’s interest. The result will be an intellectually curious child who does well in school and will pass on his love of reading to his own children someday.

Robert Gould is a children’s literacy advocate and the Creator/Author of 19 books for boys, including the popular new “movie-style” Time Soldiers?adventure books and “Father and Son Read Aloud Stories.” You can find more information on books and reading for boys at

For a FREE dinosaur book to get your reluctant reader jump started on a life-long love of reading, go to

Gardening Vivian | 30 Mar 2010

Honda Riding Mower – Entrust Your Lawn

Honda is known for producing quality automobiles and motorcycles: they also make outstanding riding lawn mowers. There are a bunch of mowers from which to choose: Honda riding mowers makes the choice easy. With their commitment to quality, durability, and environmentally sound equipment, buying a Honda riding mower is a great way to ensure the appearance and health of your lawn.

Using a riding lawn mower makes shorter work of caring for your yard. Having an attractive lawn is essential for your business or home. It creates the look of success and caring. It also increases your property value. There are also other benefits to keeping your lawn healthy in addition to appearances. Take a look at the incredible benefits that come with using a great mower.

?Climate is controlled at ground level. Eight healthy lawns have the same ability to cool as 70 tons of air conditioning, which is enough to cool 16 houses.

?Dust and smoke are trapped by the grass, keeping the air cleaner.

?Turf grasses allow water to infiltrate the ground better, and also act as a filter for the water.

?Noise is absorbed by turf grass.

?Health lawns contribute to oxygen production.

To keep your lawn beautiful and to reap the benefits, make sure you keep your Honda mower in good condition. Riding mower parts to replace old, worn, or damaged parts are readily available online. You can also search the Honda website for parts dealers in your area.

Riding mower tires can sometimes damage your lawn. Honda features turf saver tires (15″ in front and 18″ in back) that preserve your lawn. They also have great traction on a variety of surfaces, including sand, loose dirt, and grass. The higher back tires also help mow more rugged terrain.

Another benefit of Honda is that they retain value so purchasing a used riding mower is a great and affordable way to keep your lawn healthy and attractive. A quick search online reveals a lot of sources, and you may be able to find one in your area for sale. Sometimes riding mowers wear down as they age: Honda’s have a durable engine and are made to last.

Honda makes excellent, fuel efficient, and environmentally-concerned equipment. You can feel good knowing your lawn is being mowed with a Honda mower.

Have your aerated your lawn before? Check out lawn aeration equipment at:, your source for organic lawn care.

Babies-Toddler Vivian | 30 Mar 2010

Custom Car Seat Covers and Car Seat Warranties

Everyone wants to pamper their little one. It doesn’t matter that the baby won’t know or that your toddler could care less. As a parent, especially the first time around, we want and buy everything for our child. This includes fancy bedroom linens that in hindsight we spent WAY to much money on, an over the top wall mural that the child will grow out of by their 2nd birthday and countless other useless “necessities”. As a parent I did all of these things. But when it came to practicality, I balked at the price and reasoned with myself why I did not need such an expensive item. Then I came up with said item, out of necessity of course, and cannot understand why everyone is not jumping through hoops to claim it. Well, the reason has come to my attention; warranties. It is all about what a manufacturer says in their manual. Now, don’t get me wrong, I completely understand why warranties are in place and that they need to be followed. I also realize that what a manufacturer says voids the warranty is not necessarily in the best interest of anyone but themselves. For example, a child car seat.

The manufacturer says that putting ANY item that did not come with the seat voids the warranty. which is a total of 1 year (tell me who gets a new car seat every year just to keep the warranty?). So I want to know, what are all these accessories for children’s car seats doing on the market. Right off the bat I can name head rests, seat warmer covers, shoulder straps, body positioners…the list can go on for miles. So why is it that a car seat cover is so controversial? It works the same as the manufacturers cover, just cuter more fashionable and fun. It interferes no more than any of the above mentioned items yet it gets parents in a tizzy. I think that people need to lighten up. Most of the items made for kids are by moms, who always have the best for children, yours and theirs, in mind.

Parenting Vivian | 29 Mar 2010

Stop Your Child From Getting The Bath Time Blues

As a parent you always want what’s best for your child, that’s only to be expected. We worry about our children all the time, when they are at school, when they are away from us, when they are out playing and we worry about them getting ill. We can’t always wrap them up in cotton wool but we can wrap our babies up in a hooded baby towel when they get straight out of the bath to stop them catching a cold. Hooded baby towels are generally made from the finest, softest cotton so they feel wonderfully snug against your baby’s skin.

We all know how difficult baby bath times can be so any diversionary tactics that can be put into play to get your baby to enjoy their bath time have got to be worth looking into. Hooded baby bath towels are specifically designed to keep your child snug and cozy when they have got out of the bath, wrapping them up in one of theses towels will soon help them forget any upset they may have encountered during the bath time.

Hooded baby bath towels come in a variety of sizes covering nearly all child age groups, the beauty of the towel is that they are so designed to be as desirable to an older child of fourteen or fifteen as they are to a toddler of less than one year old. The colors and the designs reflect the age group for which the towel is designed for a baby boy you may have a towel colored in a powder blue and for a girl it may be colored in a very soft pink. For an older child you may want to search out a design more suited to their interests such as motor racing, music or their favourite football team.

Children love to snuggle up and keep warm when they get out of the bath so why not get them the perfect gift of a hooded baby towel. These towels come in a variety of materials so to enable you to get the best option for your child. It is important to take in to account the climate of where you live before you go out and buy your hooded baby towel, your child may not thank you if you go out and buy them a plush thick pile hooded towel to keep them warm if you live in a tropical area where the temperature never gets any where near freezing. Likewise if you go out and buy a towel made of exotic Turkish cotton for your child and you live in a temperate climate area your child may look like the coolest thing since the Fonz but he may feel like the coolest thing since the ice man.

So there you have it, hooded baby towels look like the in thing for babies for this coming year. If one of your friends are expecting a baby soon why not look into getting a hooded baby towel personalized especially for their new born child? By looking on the inter web you will be able to find companies that will be able to add almost any detail to a hooded towel for you, such as the babies name and date of birth.

What a lovely baby shower gift that would make.

For more info on towels, bathrooms and accessories please visit our site –

Hooded baby towels

Please feel free to republish this article provided a working hyperlink remains to our site.

Harwood E Woodpecker

Crafts-Hobbies Vivian | 29 Mar 2010

Good Reasons To Buy A Gas RC Helicopter

Let us put it this way. If you are looking out for a cheap helicopter, then gas RC helicopter is out of the question, since these helicopters are tagged at a high price. In fact, they are more expensive than all other types of model planes and helicopters. Besides, if you are looking for a helicopter with no noise, so that you can fly it even at night, then think again. A gas helicopter is not like the electric one, which has no noise. Since gas helicopter comes with an engine, it has a lot of noise. If you are looking for a helicopter with which you can learn easily, then find another model, since gas helicopters are not that easy to fly and require more skill.

But having said all this, you should not hang your gloves and give up the thrill of flying these choppers. There is more to gas powered RC model helicopters, besides just their cost and noise. Gas powered model helicopters are some of the most loved and flown models planes today. Both the novices and the expert pilots love them. There are many reasons, why you should buy a gas RC helicopter. If it is not a RTF, as it is the case with most RC helicopters, you will have fun assembling them. You may need some expertise and skill to assemble it. Assembling it will be such a fun and this would excite you to see your dream copter come to life from the scratch.

If you are talking of flying, then gas RC helicopters are hard to fly. But, once you have learnt the art of flying them, you will realize that they are great models to fly. These helicopters can make more and daring maneuvers, filled with amazing aerobics and this means it is not easy to control them, especially if you are a beginner. These helicopters will keep you busy, while flying them because they have a more complicated radio gear that is not the same as that of normal model planes. The radio gear is normally 4 or 6 channel system and comes at a high cost. This means you need a lot of concentration while flying, but it is fun. However, if you are a beginner and you really don’t need such expensive plane, you can settle for a basic one like JR 6102 helicopter, which is much easier to use.

Another reason, why you should buy a gas-powered helicopter is because these helicopters resemble real copters in many ways. They are closer to the real ones with their physical configuration and the way they are flown. Every pilot will feel excited flying a model that is similar to the real one and this makes flying more fun. It will be much easier to fly ultra-light helicopters, if you master the art of flying RC gas powered helicopters.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for model planes and model helicopters. You can find the best marketplace for model planes and model helicopters by visiting the best sites for model planes, model fighter planes, and model helicopters.

Babies-Toddler Vivian | 29 Mar 2010

Baby Sun-Safe Strategies

Up to 90 percent of all skin cancers result from too much exposure to the sun. It is important that as new parents we take on that protective and (eventually) educative role, of keeping our children sun-wise and sun-safe. For babies and toddlers, the responsibility lies with the parents. The newborn’s skin is so sensitive (see how quickly nappy rash occurs, then recovers) so it is important that we do not take risks (like we would do ourselves) and place our baby under great exposure to the sun. So what are the best sun-safe strategies for our very young ones?

Babies under 6 months should not be exposed to direct sun at all. For toddlers and the rest of us, the most important thing to do is to avoid the midday sun wherever possible. Particularly at the height of summer, after 10 am the sun is at its most powerful and deadly position, in terms of potential sunburn. For activities where shade is limited, such as going to the beach, or a day at the fair, avoid exposure to the sun between 10 am and 3pm, or even later. The great Australian tradition is to spend “the day at the beach”. Unless there is reliable and significant shade for the baby, we have to modify that behaviour, and maybe take two trips to the beach – one after breakfast for a couple of hours, and one before dinner.

Seek out shade. Real shade – not a flimsy umbrella that protects 25% of the time, depending on which way the wind is blowing. Baby will often require a sleep during the activity – real shade is required. Make sure baby’s stroller has a hood or cover. Under no circumstances should you allow baby to fall asleep in full sun.

The clothing we choose is an important consideration. Long sleeve shirts are preferable. A wide brimmed hat is better than a cap – don’t forget those ears and the back of the neck can get burned badly if not protected. When swimming, the rash-shirt made of ultraviolet radiation proof materials is the preferred option. Swimming with a hat or cap works well for babies and toddlers, knee-to-neck swimming suits are a welcome recent addition.

Sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more should be used when being exposed to direct sun – or indirect sun, for that matter such as the glare from water (if out boating) or snow. Apply liberally and rub in well. Reapply every 2 hours. Don’t forget baby’s hands feet, ears, nose and lips. Consider the activities at daycare, and apply sunscreen before little one goes off to care.

Lindsey Paul is a busy mum of four, who not only holds together and action packed family, works full time, and is on the school board – but has some fun with a couple of sites about baby feeding and baby sleeping issues.

Crafts-Hobbies Vivian | 28 Mar 2010

Bob Ross Oil Painting Technique – Frequently Asked Questions

The following is a list of frequently asked questions about the BOB ROSS Oil Painting Technique and some instruction about the use and care of the materials.


This technique refers to the softening of hard edges and most visible brush strokes by blending the wet oil paint on the canvas with a clean, dry brush. In blending, an already painted area is brushed very lightly with criss-cross strokes or by gently tapping with the corner of the brush. This gives colors a soft and natural appearance. Not all oil paints are suitable for this technique – most are too soft and tend to smear. Only a thick, firm paint is suitable for this technique.


To mix paints to a marbled effect, place the different colored paints on the mixing area of your palette and use your palette knife to pick up and fold the paints together, then pull flat. Streaks of each color should be visible in the mixture. Do not over mix.


When mixing paints for application over thicker paints already on the canvas, especially when adding highlight colors, thin the paint with LIQUID WHITE, LIQUID CLEAR or ODORLESS THINNER. The rule to remember here is that a thin paint will stick to a thicker paint.


Painting with the wet on wet technique requires frequent and thorough cleaning of your brushes with paint thinner. An empty one pound coffee can is ideal to hold the thinner, or use any container approximately 5″ in diameter and at-least 6″ deep. Place a Bob Ross Screen in the bottom of the can and fill with odorless thinner approximately 1″ above the screen. Scrub the brushes bristles against the screen to remove paint sediments which will settle on the bottom of the can.

Dry your larger brushes by carefully squeezing them against the inside of the coffee can, then slapping the bristles against a brush beater rack mounted inside of a tall kitchen trash basket to remove the remainder of the thinner. Smaller brushes can be cleaned by wiping them with paper towel or a rag (I highly recommend using Viva paper towels because they are very absorbent). Do not return the brushes to their plastic bags after use, this will cause the bristles to become limp. Never clean your Bob Ross brushes with soap and water or detergent as this will destroy the natural strength of the bristles. Store your brushes with bristles up or lying flat.


Use the 2″ brush with long, firm vertical and horizontal strokes across the canvas. The coat of Liquid WHITE should be very, very thin and even. Apply just before you begin to paint. Do not allow the paint to dry before you begin.


I suggest using a palette at least 16″x20″ in size. Try arranging the colors around the outer edge of your palette from light to dark. Leave the center of the palette for mixing your paints.


To fully load the inside bristles of your brush first hold it perpendicular to the palette and work the bristles into the pile of paint. Then holding the brush at a 45 degree angle, drag the brush across your palette and away from the pile of paint. Flipping your brush from side to side will insure both sides will be loaded evenly.

(NOTE: When the bristles come to a chiseled or sharp flat edge, the brush is loaded correctly.)

For some strokes you may want the end of your brush to be rounded. To do this, stand the brush vertically on the palette. Firmly pull toward you working the brush in one direction. Lift off the palette with each stroke. This will tend to round off the end of the brush, paint with the rounded end up.


Place the tip of your brush into the can of LIQUID WHITE, LIQUID CLEAR or ODORLESS THINNER allow only a small amount of medium to remain on the bristles. Load your brush by gently dragging it through the highlight colors, repeat as needed. Gently tap the bristles against the palette just enough to open up the bristles and loosen the paint.


With your palette knife, pull the mixture of paint in a thin layer down across the palette. Holding your knife in a straight upward position, pull the long working edge of your knife diagonally across the paint. This will create a roll of paint on your knife.


There are no great mysteries to painting. You need only the desire, a few basic techniques and a little practice. lf you are new to this technique, I strongly suggest that you read the entire section on “TIPS AND TECHNIQUES” prior to starting your first painting. Consider each painting you create as a learning experience. Add your own special touch and ideas to each painting you do and your confidence as well as your ability will increase at an unbelievable rate.


The BOB ROSS technique of painting is dependent upon a special firm oil paint for the base colors. Colors that are used primarily for highlights (Yellows) are manufactured to a thinner consistency for easier mixing and application. The use of proper equipment helps assure the best possible results.

Liquid Clear is a particularly exciting ingredient for wet-on-wet painting. Like Liquid White/Black, it creates the necessary smooth and slippery surface. Additionally, Liquid Clear has the advantage of not diluting the intensity of other colors especially the darks which are so important in painting seascapes. Remember to apply Liquid Clear very sparingly! The tendency is to apply larger amounts than necessary because it is so difficult to see.

13 colors we use are listed below:

*Alizarin Crimson
*Sap Green, Bright Red
*Dark Sienna
*Pthalo Green
Cadmium Yellow
Titanium White,
*Pthalo Blue,
*Indian Yellow
*Van Dyke
*Midnight Black
Yellow Ochre
*Prussian Blue
(*indicates colors that are transparent or semi-transparent and which may be used as under paints where transparency is required.)


The mixing of colors can be one of the most rewarding and fun parts of painting, but may also be one of the most feared procedures. Devote some time to mixing various color combinations and become familiar with the basic color mixtures. Study the colors in nature and practice duplicating the colors you see around you each day. Within a very short time you will be so comfortable mixing colors that you will look forward to each painting as a new challenge.


Possibly the #1 problem experienced by individuals when first attempting this technique and the major cause for disappointment revolves around the use of products designed for other styles of painting or materials not designed for artwork at all (i.e. house painting brushes, thin soupy paints, etc.).

All of the paintings for this technique were created using Bob Ross paints, brushes and palette knives. To achieve the best results from your efforts, I strongly recommend that you use only products designed specifically for use with the Bob Ross wet-on-wet technique.


Drying time will vary depending on numerous factors such as heat, humidity, thickness of paint, painting surface, brand of paint used, mediums used with the paint, etc. Another factor is the individual colors used. Different colors have different drying times (i.e., normally Blue will dry very fast while colors like Red, White and Yellow are very slow drying). A good average time for an oil painting to dry, when painted in this technique, is approximately one week.


Varnishing a painting will protect it from the elements. It will also help to keep the colors more vibrant. lf you decide to varnish your painting, I suggested that you wait at least six months. It takes this long for an oil painting to be completely cured. Use a good quality, non-yellowing picture varnish spray. I personally spray my paintings after about 4 weeks and have not had any problems.

Gerald Scott (CRI) has been a Certified Ross Instructor since 1991 He currently teaches numerous classes around the country each year.
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