Holidays Vivian | 29 Nov 2010 04:52 am

Keys To Staying Fit During The "Season Of Indulgence"

Who has the time to workout when there is so much to do with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner?

To answer your question in one word: EVERYBODY!

I know that this is the happiest time of the year for most but this is also the time of the year where the average person gains 3 – 7lbs of fat. The weight gain is usually attributed to the lack of exercise (because of a busy schedule) and ALL of the eating and drinking that we do at our family gatherings. It is no wonder why the beginning of the year is always the busiest time for gyms and personal trainers. The most common New Year’s Resolution is, “I’m going to get into shape this year and this time I’m really going to stick to it.” Although this is a great resolution, let’s think ahead and have an effective holiday season.

Below you’ll discover a few pointers that should help you stay ahead of the weight gain curve.

1.Exercise (Stay Active): Exercise definitely has to be habitual – make exercise as natural as brushing your teeth. When possible, wake up and workout first thing in the morning. You’ll find that you’re more energized and better equipped to get through your day. Even if you can’t make it to the gym, do something. Your activity of choice could be as simple as walking your dog after dinner.

2.Set a Schedule: Your workout does not have to be an hour. If you only have 20 minutes a day to workout, then workout for 20 minutes and just make it efficient by making every minute count.

3.Drink plenty of water: Drink water as it helps to suppress your appetite because many times thirst is often mistaken for hunger.

4.Partner Up: Find somebody that you wanted to build an alliance with. It’s good to have the support of a friend or family member. You can motivate each other to eat right and keep working out. Even try creating a family activity where it requires everyone to be active. Be creative!

5.Moderation is key: It is ok to have that glass of wine or to eat a piece of that apple pie. However, try just having one glass of wine or having just a small piece of pie and not going back for seconds (or thirds). Practice some self-restraint and your body will thank you later.

6.Take care of yourself: Acquire 30 minutes of quiet time per day. Meditate, read a book, or just relax. This exercise helps to keep the mind sharp. A strong mind equals a strong body!

7.Be realistic: Don’t forget that you are human so give yourself a little bit of leeway. Don’t set the bar so high for yourself that you set yourself for failure. Accept that some days you won’t be able to make your workouts – don’t be disappointed, just be flexible and work around it. Remember that it is still important to spend time with your family and enjoy this season.

So those were a few tips for avoiding the upcoming holiday season. Stay active and control your fitness destiny – have fun with your loved ones this holiday season and just remember that moderation is key! Happy Holidays to all.

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