Pregnancy Vivian | 01 Jul 2011 07:39 am

What Are the Infamous Herbs to Increase Fertility

Herbal medicines have been used for a long time already. It has been said that it is most beneficial for everyone who needs medicine for whatever purpose it may have for them because aside from it being accessible, it is cheaper than the chemical products available in the pharmacy.

Fertility herbs are believed to be most effective to increase fertility because of its positive effect on the hormonal system, reproductive organs and increases sex drive.

Furthermore, the herbs that increase fertility have still some added benefits for the body other than those mentioned.

Listed below are the top ten herbs to increase fertility:

1. Red Clover – a wild plant used to graze cattle and animals. Traditionally, red clover is used to treat cancer, whooping cough, respiratory problem, skin inflammations such as psoriasis and eczema. However, modern researches say that red clover nourishes the uterus and balance the hormones. Having a nourished uterus is good for the preparation of the fetus’ supposed stay in the organ. It is also high in magnesium, calcium and vitamins.

2. Ginseng – is a popular fertility remedy for the male. It may also be found in vitamin capsule, coffees and other products in the market. It is said to increase the testosterone levels, sperm count and its motility. It is also believed as a powerful aphrodisiac.

3. Astralagus – is believed to improve sperm motility and count. It also help support the immune system and organs of the body such as the kidneys, spleen blood and lungs.

4. Ladys Mantle – this herb is best for women who have difficulty during menstruation or those who are experiencing amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea because it assist in the regulation of menstruation and helps build up the uterine lining.

5. Black Cohosh – helps in the treatment of menopause and the prevention of miscarriage. Its phyto-estrogen improves hormone functioning.

6. Raspberry Leaf – this herb if taken regularly helps to ease morning sickness, sooth and prevent bleeding gums which is one of pregnant woman’s problem, it helps smooth the uterus of the pregnant woman during contraction which relieves pain, eases the delivery of the baby and its placenta and provides iron, calcium and magnesium.

7. Stinging Nettle – regulates the body hormones thus the promotion in ovulation and menstruation. This is best for women who have difficulty in finding out when is the time that they are most fertile.

8. Tribulus – used to increase testosterone and regulate the male hormones. It is also an effective libido enhancer especially for men who have erectile problem due to stress and bad habits.

9. Saw Palmetto – it is also believed to increase fertility and is good for prostate health.

10. Chaste tree berry – it stimulates the pituitary gland thus help balance the female hormones. It also produces the sex hormone such as the progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. It helps decrease prolactin which cause breast tenderness during menstruation.

Everyone who wishes to try the herbs to increase fertility should seek medical advice to know which herb is suitable for them.

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