Monthly Archive for "April 2011"

Gardening Vivian | 30 Apr 2011

What You Need to Understand About Setting Up a Greenhouse – What Are the Essentials?

Before you begin the building process of setting up your very own greenhouse, there are a few things you need to consider before you break ground on the project. The most crucial thing that you are going to need to decide upon is the type of material that you are opting for your greenhouse to be built out of.

You will be able to decide between many different materials; however two of the most popular materials to have greenhouses built from are wood as well as glass. The decision as to what type of greenhouse that you want setting outside of your home is going to be based on your own decision.

After you have decided on what type of materials that you are going to use in order to begin the construction process on your plant shelter, you will then need to find a solid and straight place of land in your backyard that your greenhouse can be built upon.

If you choose a structure that is rugged and uneven your greenhouse will not be stable enough to endure through harsh weather conditions, or worse than that it will sway or topple over is a large gust of wind happens to blow by it.

You’re also going to need to evaluate your finances before setting up your greenhouse. For the most part, people that simply cannot afford a greenhouse at the current moment do not obtain one. Some people will actually commence in saving up money for a greenhouse in order to be able to obtain a certain type of greenhouse that they would inadvertently like to be in their yards.

There are different greenhouse accessories, that you can choose to have in your greenhouse as well. Accessories include extra shelves that will be able to hold a few extra plants for all green thumb gardeners as well an automatic water system and roller blinds to shade your plants from the possibility of obtaining too much sunlight than they can handle.

Try writing down a list concerning everything that you must do before ever beginning a construction project on a greenhouse. Perfect planning will ensure that your greenhouse is set up to your standards. All in all, it is the people that take the time out to think about their actions before actually doing them that end up pleased with the outcome of their decision.

With perfect planning, setting up a greenhouse does not have to be a difficult task.

Babies-Toddler Vivian | 30 Apr 2011

Baby Furniture – Furnishing The Nursery Safely

Babies are such a joy to be around and the feeling of excitement usually elevates during the period where its time to buy and select baby furniture for the baby.

One of the essential pieces of baby furniture that a baby needs is a crib. Though a crib is a common thing needed by babies, the selection process of picking this kind of baby furniture is crucial. Why you may ask? Well, according to recent reports, at least 50 babies experience suffocation or were strangled each year because of accidents that involve cribs that are old and have broken parts. This eventually led to the declaration of U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in 1995. The said declaration was all about the destruction and elimination of old and used cribs. Due to this incident, the safest way to ensure that baby furniture is in good and safe condition is to buy a brand new one. Unfortunately, not all people have the money to buy a new one so the best thing that you could do is to wait for the next best thing

In buying baby furniture, always remember that the safety of the baby is at stake. Do not buy baby furniture just for the sake of saving money because you would risk the safety of the child in return. Be sure to use precaution and examine everything. Here are some tips that would help you in finding the perfect baby furniture for the perfect baby (without compromising your baby抯 safety as well as your budget).

The first step in choosing used baby furniture is to check the furniture thoroughly. Be sure to check every detail and look for possible missing, loose, broken or improperly installed screws, brackets and other hardware on the baby furniture. Another thing that you should consider is the material that the baby furniture is made of. A few minutes or so of inspection is a wise investment both financially and for the protection of your child.

After checking for obvious visual defects visit the CPSC抯 website and enter the make and model of the item in their search box, this should bring back any warnings or recall notices.

Parenting Vivian | 30 Apr 2011

Encouraging Independence in the Growing Teenager

By the time your child has reached the terrible twos, you will already know his or her personality quite well. By this tender young age, your child will have already started taking his or her first wobbly steps towards independence. At that age and even younger, you as a parent tend to actively support this burgeoning independence with encouragement and assistance, helping your child reach whatever goal it is he or she is trying to reach, whether it is walking independently, learning to talk. You are your child’s best cheerleader.

As your child grows, you continue to support that independence by helping him or her learn how to ride a bike, encouraging him or her to do well in school, and allowing him or her certain privileges like staying up late or going places with friends. This continued support that you provide to your kids as they become more independent can build a strong foundation for self-esteem.

So what happens between the time your child wakes up at age 8 or 9 and the time he or she wakes up at age 12 or 13? Do you, as a parent, simply realize how quickly the time is going and try to slow it down? Do you suddenly not want to support your child or prevent him or her from reaching the next stage of development? Of course not!. But it does get more difficult to support independence when it is accompanied by sharp jabs, mouthy comments, and disrespect!

In many cases, parents end up in a catch-22. They have created a young person who has the expectation of increasing independence and support from Mom and Dad, because they have always been given the tools they need to get to the next stage in life. But parents often start holding back on providing these tools as their kids get older, either from discomfort or from thinking the teen is moving too quickly toward the next step. When this kind of tension happens, it can quickly lead to disaster and a broken relationship between you and your teen.

As your child enters the teen years, the most important thing you can do is continue to support his or her independence. This does not mean that you let your teen run free. In fact, I often think that parents have it backwards: they think it is important to be home with their kids when they are little, but I think it is when your teens start facing major life pressures and decisions that they need you most.

Take a hands-on role in your teen’s life. Help your teen learn to make good decisions, but let your teen actually take some control of his or her life. You can do this by letting your teen choose his or her high school classes, allowing him or her to participate in a team sport, or letting your teen get a part-time after school job and have control over the money earned.

By letting your teen take steps toward becoming an adult, and by supporting those steps even when you do not necessarily agree with them, you provide your teen with the tools he or she will need to survive out in the “real” world.

By the time your child has reached the terrible twos, you will already know his or her personality quite well. By this tender young age, your child will have already started taking his or her first wobbly steps towards independence. At that age and even younger, you as a parent tend to actively support this burgeoning independence with encouragement and assistance, helping your child reach whatever goal it is he or she is trying to reach, whether it is walking independently, learning to talk. You are your child’s best cheerleader.

As your child grows, you continue to support that independence by helping him or her learn how to ride a bike, encouraging him or her to do well in school, and allowing him or her certain privileges like staying up late or going places with friends. This continued support that you provide to your kids as they become more independent can build a strong foundation for self-esteem.

So what happens between the time your child wakes up at age 8 or 9 and the time he or she wakes up at age 12 or 13? Do you, as a parent, simply realize how quickly the time is going and try to slow it down? Do you suddenly not want to support your child or prevent him or her from reaching the next stage of development? Of course not!. But it does get more difficult to support independence when it is accompanied by sharp jabs, mouthy comments, and disrespect!

In many cases, parents end up in a catch-22. They have created a young person who has the expectation of increasing independence and support from Mom and Dad, because they have always been given the tools they need to get to the next stage in life. But parents often start holding back on providing these tools as their kids get older, either from discomfort or from thinking the teen is moving too quickly toward the next step. When this kind of tension happens, it can quickly lead to disaster and a broken relationship between you and your teen.

As your child enters the teen years, the most important thing you can do is continue to support his or her independence. This does not mean that you let your teen run free. In fact, I often think that parents have it backwards: they think it is important to be home with their kids when they are little, but I think it is when your teens start facing major life pressures and decisions that they need you most.

Take a hands-on role in your teen’s life. Help your teen learn to make good decisions, but let your teen actually take some control of his or her life. You can do this by letting your teen choose his or her high school classes, allowing him or her to participate in a team sport, or letting your teen get a part-time after school job and have control over the money earned.

By letting your teen take steps toward becoming an adult, and by supporting those steps even when you do not necessarily agree with them, you provide your teen with the tools he or she will need to survive out in the “real” world.

general Vivian | 30 Apr 2011

Retirement Plan – Is Yours Going to Allow You to Retire Or Will You Need to Work Until Your Death?

If you are one of the many who will have an inadequate retirement nest egg to fully retire you may want to consider starting your own home based business before you plan on retiring. It occurred to me when I saw an eighty one year old man packing groceries and pushing shopping carts out to cars for store patrons. I couldn’t resist asking him why he wants to work at his age and especially outside in all of the heat of summer and cold of winter, and he told me that he had to or he would lose his home.

He had retired from a major corporation as an engineer who had worked for the company for thirty-five years. His pension was adequate to support him in his retirement until the company was bought out and the pension plan was severely reduced. So at seventy-two he had to go back to work. At least he had a few good years in retirement before he had to return to work, now he figures that he will have to work for the rest of his days.

You have to do, what you have to do to survive, and we all need money so why not build yourself an alternate source of income that you can control. With home businesses gaining in popularity due to their nominal cost to start people are starting their own home businesses every day to build themselves an alternate stream if income. Once die-hard skeptics of anything other than working for a corporation people are becoming skeptical of corporations and warming up to home businesses and network marketing. Many network marketing companies are full of people in their fifties and sixties building themselves an alternate stream of income to help take care of themselves and their families into their old age. Usually you don’t find that many young people involved in network marketing because they still believe that the corporation will take care of them and they can change the system to bring that about. In a few years the younger people will be looking at home business opportunities too, just not yet.

If you are nearing retirement and need to boost your income you really need to consider a network marketing opportunity. Do your research and find one that you like, and have products that you can use. Then look for a sponsor to help get you started in your new business. Your sponsor is the person that will familiarize you with the company and its policies and to help train you on how to do the business yourself. Just keep an open mind you never know what kinds of opportunities will really help you unless you investigate them.

Crafts-Hobbies Vivian | 29 Apr 2011

Edible Play Dough

I’m sure we all have wonderful memories of making Playdough sculptures when we were children, with these edible recipes you can pass on the fun to your kids and not worry if they “taste test” their creations! Don’t spend the money, these recipes are easy and inexpensive to make, and the kids will have just as much fun making it as they will playing with it! You probably have all the ingredients right in your kitchen cupboard!

You can make edible Playdough with flour, salt, cream of tarter, water and mineral oil and add food coloring to make your dough different colors. All you need is a bowl, measuring cups a pot and a stove and you are ready to go! This dough does not taste good, but it’s safe for children if they mistakenly taste test the dough. When making your dough remember, the more food coloring you add, the more vibrant your dough will be; make some fun and interesting colors!

Another fun edible Playdough is peanut butter dough. It is made with peanut butter, honey and powdered milk. This is a no-cook recipe, you don’t need any pots and pans, just a big bowl and some imagination! Make a sculpture and decorate it with other edible treats like pretzels and raisins! Can you imagine a scary spider with licorice legs and chocolate chip eyes? This is a great idea for a toddler party craft, the kids will have fun making their craft and then eating it too!

These are fun, edible crafts for kids of any age!

Gardening Vivian | 29 Apr 2011

Hydroponic Systems

There are three main types of hydroponic systems. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and is more or less suited to growing certain types of plants.

Ebb & Flow hydroponic systems

The Ebb and Flow (or Flood and Drain) system is a “media-based” hydroponics system. This means that the planting tray is filled with a moisture-retaining growing medium such as vermiculite, grow rocks or coconut fibre.

A reservoir of nutrient-enriched water regularly floods the planting tray with the nutrient solution. he growing material helps the plants absorb the nutrients. As the nutrient solution drains back into the reservoir, it pulls growth-promoting oxygen – also important in hydroponics – around the roots of the plants.

An advantage of this hydroponics system is that it’s simple and suited to growing a wide variety of plants, making it the most popular choice for homemade hydroponics systems. The ebb and flow system is also ideal for flower and ornamental plant lovers. You can place potted plants in the tray instead of mass-planting, and remove and display your plants whenever you like.

A disadvantage of this system is that it relies on electricity. If cost or power outages are a concern, it is probably not the best hydroponics system for you.

Wick hydroponic systems

A second choice of hydroponic growing systems is the wick system. It is also media-based but, unlike the “active” ebb and flow system, the wick system is “passive” – it uses no energy.

Quite simply, one end of a wick is placed in nutrient-rich solution while the other is embedded in the growing medium close to the roots. The wick acts much like a straw – the solution travels up the wick to the roots of the plant, as needed.

An obvious advantage of wick-based hydroponic systems is their simplicity – the easiest option for homemade hydroponics systems. However, they are not suitable for large and therefore very thirsty plants as the wick cannot keep up with their needs. In addition, it can be difficult to ensure that plants receive an adequate supply of oxygen, affecting growth.

Water culture hydroponic systems

A third option is a “water-culture” (or raft) hydroponic gardening system. Plants are suspended on a Styrofoam platform which floats on nutrient-enriched water while the roots dangle below. An air pump bubbles through the water to create an oxygen-rich atmosphere around the plants.

The advantage of this hydroponics system is that it is simple and relatively cheap, and highly-effective for growing plants like lettuce that thrive on a lot of water. However, it is not suitable for plants that don’t like this level of saturation.

All these systems can be built at home, simply and inexpensively, and tailored to the amount of space you have available. For optimum results, decide which of these hydroponic systems best suits the type and variety of plants you want to grow.

Copyright 2007 Jenny Green

Babies-Toddler Vivian | 29 Apr 2011

Helpful Suggestions For a Healthy Baby Sleep Schedule

When a baby is born, you should never anticipate that he or she will be sleeping all night long. Yes, babies are known to have at least 16 hours of sleep daily but they usually have 1 to 3 hours of interval, never sleeping all those hours at once, not like adults that sleep 8 hours per session. What should you expect the baby sleep schedule of your newborn to be? Let’s discuss this in some detail.

Each new parent experiences sleepless nights because more or less, their newborn is keeping them up all night. Don’t feel hopeless and agonized if your little one never gives you a wink of sleep at night. You are not alone.

Babies have different moods of getting sleep; they vary from baby to the next. Others snooze for a moment then get easily awakened. And some are can naturally sleep in an instant and get all the sleep they can get. Several newborns however, need the help of their loving parents to begin a proper sleep schedule at some point after delivery.

It’s very important that parents should know the fact that a baby can’t differentiate night time from day time yet. This is why they are more likely to be awake during night than during day time. Parents who have newborns that are awake in the evening will have a difficult time changing their timetable especially if they have other kids that need their attention and love during the day. This may prove to be a problem.

On the brighter side, parents can solve this problem. They can help their child to have a different baby sleep schedule by helping teach them how to determine night time and day time. To do this, parents should minimize stimulation of their baby’s activities. And take note that during the day time, they should do the exact opposite. As much as possible, they should interact more with the child. This may take a little while, but their efforts will not go to waste as little by little, the child can and will start to know his or her sleeping time in the evening.

Little ones, unlike adults, normally have more shallow sleep cycles or REM for adults. Thus resulting to difficulties of getting back to sleep once interrupted. They are prone to disruptions so try not to wake them up in the middle of their sleep. If they are awakened, parents may have to stay up all night. But sooner or later, they will learn how to go back to sleep on their own.

Usually when your baby is around 6 weeks old, they can sleep through the night with minimal disruptions. On the other hand, there are those who still wake up 2 to 3 times at night even after a year of their lives. This means they have a different preference in sleeping, that is also affected by their personality. Building a baby’s sleeping schedule actually differs from one baby to the next. Keep in mind though that they usually only sleep 4 to 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep during the night.

So it’s very essential that parents should start to put their baby in their crib as early as possible so they can learn how to sleep on their own in an early stage. Your child will develop a regular baby sleep schedule in time. Seeking the help of a pediatrician when you are frustrated by his sleeping habits is always a good thing.

Parenting Vivian | 29 Apr 2011

Infertility Support Groups – Your Lifeline Support

If you or anyone you know is struggling with infertility issues, it is strongly advisable to reach out for infertility support groups. When you elect this route, you have the option of attending in-person sessions or through the on-line forums and/or support chat groups. You will find that being able to talk about infertility issues can really help you adjust and make important choices as to your family size, how to plan for the future and also pursue other child-based options if it becomes necessary.

This is also a good way to meet other couples familiar with this situation or who have personally experienced what you are facing. They are often eager to share information and resources as you move forward with your plans to have a child. You will come to appreciate the value in knowing that you are not alone and having group support may really help you control your emotional swings as you and your loved ones work through the process of determining infertility.

Join a Resolve Infertility Support Group

Resolve is one of the finest groups to join when you first start looking for infertility answers. It’s a national organization with a large number of local chapters available for you to contact and join. A resolve infertility support group invites anyone to come share their experiences and gain valuable information about infertility and what can be done to improve your odds in having the family you really want. They report that “roughly 2/3 of couples” who search for medical involvement are able to have a baby.

Increasing your knowledge about infertility is the first step in knowing and truly understanding your options by becoming an informed participant. Joining an infertility support group can help you have immediate access to the following:

?Emotional Support
?Latest Research and News
?Infertility Support

Emotional Support – An infertility support group can really provide the necessary tools for you to handle not being able to have a child in the near future as well as prepare you in the event that you are unable to have a child.

As you can imagine this can be an extremely stressful situation and when you are around other people who have experienced where you are or who are also currently involved with their own concerns with infertility, then you can hopefully be better prepared to take the next steps to move forward with your plans.

Talking through your infertility issues with other couples may be just what is needed for you and your loved to work through to the next phase of your plan. This is a time for discussing your fears, feelings, and thoughts, so that you can emotionally mend from the inability to biologically have a newborn at this time.

Resources – The influx of people from all walks of life and backgrounds means that infertility support groups are a great venue for sharing valuable information. This can range from the latest research, books, websites, personal tips or challenges and doctor referrals.

Latest News and Research – Staying abreast of the latest news and technology can play a vital role in your success in having a child. Being involved in a support group will expand the amount of information that is presented to you because you are able to learn what others have also learned about infertility.

Infertility Support Benefits – Infertility is a stressful condition for a large percentage of couples because people sometimes feel as if there is something wrong with their minds and bodies. If you are struggling with this problem, it is essential to not only seek out the support of your doctor but to also find a support group with whom you can talk.

When you are looking for flexibility, you should also consider joining a couple of different infertility forums on-line. This will allow you to not only gather information but also discuss your true feeling with someone without being emotionally tied to their feelings.

Make the effort and reach out to help others that have found themselves traveling the same journey as you. The more you share, the deeper your understanding grows and the stronger your belief will grow for you to become successful in your bid to increase the size of your family.

Babies-Toddler Vivian | 28 Apr 2011

Yoga For Your Baby – Benefits and Preparation Needed

No doubt yoga has a lot of of benefit. Not only adult can do yoga, your baby also can do it. Mum can do Yoga together with baby. This activity create a great time and fun to both of mum and baby, also will keep you in a good health, fresh. It” give you a best quality and fun time, right?

Basically, Yoga use all part of our body. Yoga with baby have lots of advantages because it’s helping to develop baby awareness and the physiology. Yoga can:

a. Improve the body digestion system
b. Improve the breathing system
c. Improve Blood flow and circulation system
d. Improve auto immune system
e. stimulate nervous system development
f. stimulate baby skin receptors and cell growth
g. develop baby muscle stronger and flexible
h. promote deeper sleep and relaxation to your baby
i. develop baby character, self-esteem
J. promote and strengthen parents and baby relationship.

Some of preparation need to be taken before doing yoga. Here is some tips to prepare a cozy and comfortable room:

旵lean the room and manage room air circulation
昅anage room lighting, not too bright or too dark
晅urn on soft and light music
昒se clean and soft mattress

Also, make sure baby wear a soft and light cloth with less buttons. It will ease the movement.

Having a good experienced yoga coach is also very important. Good yoga coach will assist parent to understand the background and advantages of every movement with the baby. Do practice with your baby at home if you have attended the baby yoga class.

Have fun and feel the benefits of baby Yoga. Cheers…

Parenting Vivian | 28 Apr 2011

Is Your Child a Compulsive Liar?

It is natural for kids to lie on occasion, but to lie all the time for no reason can cause concern and trouble for the parents. If left untreated, it can cause unrest in the family because trust is broken. No one wants to think that their child is a compulsive liar, but there are some who are. How does one tell if their child is a compulsive liar? Well, they will lie all the time, make up stories, exaggerate, manipulate the truth and hide the truth. While most kids will sometimes lie because they fear getting into trouble, compulsive liars will lie for no apparent reason. They could have told the truth, but they instead felt the need to make up a tall story in place of the truth.

There are many reasons why a child may become a compulsive liar and though many parents of compulsive liars would not want to admit it, they are one of the main reasons why their child has developed the behavior. It could be that in the past, regardless of whether a child told the truth or not, they were yelled at and punished; there was never a reward for telling the truth, so the child learns that if they just lie they might get through the day without punishment. Another reason why a child may develop into a compulsive liar is because they have learned the behavior from somewhere. Most people are well aware that children will learn behavior and habits from their parents because they are who the children look up to as role models, which means that if the parent lies all the time, the child will most likely follow suit. The last reason why a child might become a compulsive liar is because they were encouraged into the behavior, though not intentionally. In this case, the child has told a lie and then was confronted in a hostile manner, which only causes the child to stick to their lie because they are scared of the punishment awaiting them if they tell the truth. A good way to keep out of this cycle is to give the child a chance to tell the truth without the worry of harsh punishment. In most cases, rewarding the child for telling the truth in the form of light punishment after making them understand the wrong they did will encourage them to learn from their mistakes and be more honest in the future.

Parents who are dealing with a child who is a compulsive liar would do best to consult a counselor. Online counselors are available, as well as online family counselors who can help a family deal with the compulsive liar. Dealing with a situation like this will require the effort of both the parents and the child to work together in order to rebuild the trust that has been lost. The online counselor will also work closely with the family to help prevent a relapse in the future. Rebuilding trust that has been lost is never an easy, but it can be done if a family is serious about staying together and improving their relationships with one another so that they can have a happy future together.